Unrivaled Link Availability: From the Arctic
to the Sahara
SONAbeam's higher-powered, redundant laser transmitters provide the best
link availability in the business.
Link availability refers to amount time a link is useable in specific weather
encountered in various climates. Availability is typically quoted in nines.
For example, 99.9%, or three-nines (3-9's) availability, means, on average,
the link is expected to not be available 0.1% of the time, or an average of
43 minutes per month. Four-nines (4-9's) availability translates into only
four minutes per month of down time and five-nines averages just 30 seconds
of downtime per month.
The distance over which a successful transmission can take place depends upon
the design of the system, the weather in a given microclimate, the distance
between the transceivers and the desired availability. The assessment of these
variables leads to a "Link Budget" for each deployment. The Link Budget refers
to the amount of output power necessary for "clear air" transmission plus
the amount of extra power necessary to overcome inclement weather such as
rain, snow, or scintillation as well as severe weather such as fog. The outcome
of the Link Budget analysis will be unique to each deployment and dependent
on the microclimate for that area.
With more weather-penetrating power than competing products, SONAbeam
is capable of providing fiber-like availability of up to 99.999%. Its high-powered
laser transmitters are able to penetrate heavy rain, snow and fog more effectively
and consistently than any other available FSO technology.
In areas subject to extreme weather conditions, longer-range SONAbeam
systems, deployed across a shorter distance, provide carrier-grade availability
figures. Locations having frequent and heavy fog will have shorter allowable
links for a given availability, whereas, relatively fog-free sites might be
able to accommodate link lengths of several kilometers, using identical optical
wireless equipment.
fSONA's global network of service partners will conduct a thorough assessment
of your installation climate and recommend an appropriate SONAbeam solution
that delivers the availability your network requires. |